Sunday, 31 March 2013
Thomas Faulds 1824 - 1905

Margaret Isabelle Faulds 1859 - 1929
The mother of Lois Bodine, my great grand mother, was Margaret Isabelle Faulds who was born to Thomas Faulds and Sarah Elizabeth Tuttle on March 25, 1859. She was the fifth of nine children that included Sarah Jane (1849), James Volney (1852), William Mellville (1855), Louisa Ann (1858), Thomas Albert (1862), Edward Arthur (1866), John Frederick (1868) and George Maitland (1872). For the Canadian censuses of 1861 thru to 1881 the family was living in Caradoc, Middlesex county, Canada West (Canada West became the Province of Ontario after Confederation in 1867). On October 24, 1894 she married Marshall Erastus Bodine at Elgin, Ontario and according to the Canadian census of 1901 they resided in London, Ontario. In the 1916 Canada census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta they are residing in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. She passed away at the age of 69 at Wayburn, Saskatchewan on February 1, 1929.
Friday, 29 March 2013
The Bodine Map
Jacob Bodine(1750 - 1816)
Living family member
is your 5th great grandfather
Your 5th great grandfather
Abraham Bodine (1781 - 1846)
son of Jacob Bodine
Mahlon Bodine (1813 - 1887)
son of Abraham Bodine
Marshall Erastus Bodine (1847 - 1930)
son of Mahlon Bodine
Lois Ethel Bodine (1897 - 1982)
daughter of Marshall Erastus Bodine
Francis Leslie Brody (1920 - 1976)
son of Lois Ethel Bodine
son of Lois Ethel Bodine
Living family member
daughter of Francis Leslie Brody
You are the daughter of Living Ramos
Bodine Pictures
Mahlon Bodine and Roxanna Wade ( my third great grandparents)
Florence Bodine and her husband Jacob Keifer ( My second great grand Aunt and Uncle)
My great grand uncle, Marshall Elmore Clarence Bodine
Jacob Bodine 1750 - 1816
Jacob Bodine was born in 1750 in Somerville, Somerset county, New Jersey. I haven't yet found any information on his parents or siblings, but I will be doing more research. I am hoping that records were not destroyed during the Revolutionary War. I have no date of his marriage to Anna Catherine either. According to the US census of 1790 they were living in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. In the 1810 US census they were living in Derry which was in Northumberland county. He passed away in 1816 at Madison, Columbia county, Pennsylvania.
Abraham Bodine 1781 - 1846

Thursday, 28 March 2013
The Bodines
As I don't have much information on the Brodys at this moment, I will be following the Bodine line similar to how I followed the Cole line. I will also go in to the families of the women who married in to the Bodines.
Mahlon Bodine 1813 - 1887
My third great - grandfather was born on November 18, 1813 in what is now Simcoe, Ontario to Abraham Bodine and Zelah Taylor and was the third of nine children. His siblings were Matilda (1806), Letitia (1807), Amy Emma (1815), William (1820), John (1821), James Watson (1822), Elizabeth (1824) and Mary (1829). He married Roxanna Wade on November 9, 1837 at Southwold, Ontario and went on to have his family and live out his days at Southwold. He passed away February 24, 1887.
Marshall Erastus Bodine 1847 - 1930
Port Elgin is located along the shores of Lake Huron in Ontario. This is where Marshall, my second great - grandfather, was born to Mahlon Bodine and Roxanne Wade on July 9, 1847. He was the first boy and had 5 siblings. They included: Nancy Amanda (1840), Orpha Amelia (1844), William (1855), and Florence Mary 'May' (1861). According to the 1861 and 1871 Canadian census they were still residing in the same area. On May 1, 1872 he married Jane (Jennie) Taggert at Aylmer, Ontario and they went on to have 5 children. Mahlon Roy (1873) passed away as an infant, and was followed by Clara Bell (1875), Earl Roy (1880), Alma Mabel (1884) and Marshall Elmore Clarence (1886). According to the 1881 and 1891 Canadian census the family was living in Southwold, Ontario.
Somewhere between 1891 and 1894 Jane and Marshall seperated and he went on to marry Margaret Isabelle Faulds on October 24, 1894. They went on to have two children Mahlon Leonard Leslie (1895) and Lois Ethel (1897). According to the 1901 Canadian census they were living in London, Ontario along with Marshall's son Earl. They don't show up in another census until 1916 when they appear to be living at Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. He passed away June 23, 1930 in Aneroid, Saskatchewan.
Somewhere between 1891 and 1894 Jane and Marshall seperated and he went on to marry Margaret Isabelle Faulds on October 24, 1894. They went on to have two children Mahlon Leonard Leslie (1895) and Lois Ethel (1897). According to the 1901 Canadian census they were living in London, Ontario along with Marshall's son Earl. They don't show up in another census until 1916 when they appear to be living at Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. He passed away June 23, 1930 in Aneroid, Saskatchewan.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Lois Ethel Bodine 1897 - 1982
My Great grandmother, Lois Ethel Bodine, was born on November 25, 1897 in London, Ontario to Marshall Erastus Bodine and Margaret Isabelle Faulds. She was the youngest of 7 children, however only the second child of Marshall and Margaret. Her father had been married before and had had 5 children.
In the 1901 Canadian census, the family is still living in London, however by 1913 I have a border crossing record showing the family moving to Detroit, Michigan. By 1916 the family was back in Canada and living in Auvergne, Saskatchewan. By 1917, the family, minus the older siblings, had moved to the Cypress Hills area and Lois met and married Frank Henry Brody on January 5, 1917. They eventually moved to Kinistino, and settled with their family. She passed away on May 25, 1982.
In the 1901 Canadian census, the family is still living in London, however by 1913 I have a border crossing record showing the family moving to Detroit, Michigan. By 1916 the family was back in Canada and living in Auvergne, Saskatchewan. By 1917, the family, minus the older siblings, had moved to the Cypress Hills area and Lois met and married Frank Henry Brody on January 5, 1917. They eventually moved to Kinistino, and settled with their family. She passed away on May 25, 1982.
Frank Henry Brody (1892 - 1958)
Now if you ever wanted to meet a complicated person, my great - grandfather would apparently have been your man. There are a number of stories floating around about where he was from and what he may have experienced as a young child. However, I haven't been able to substantiate any of these stories. I do know that he was born on August 2, 1892, but not 100% sure as to where. I have records that point to Chicago, Illinois where there is a record of birth for a Frank Henry Brody to a Herman Brody and Sarah or Ann Morris. However, according to a letter I have from one of Frank's daughters he may have also been born in Missouri. I have been looking in both states as well as Iowa as they are all quite close to one another. So far, Illinois seems the most promising.
Another thing I have heard is that he ran away from home at a young age as his father had remarried and his step-mother didn't like him. The thing is, I have found a record for an F.H. Brody crossing in to Saskatchewan from North Dakota on May 12, 1912 with a whopping amount of $10 in his pocket. However, I can't decipher where he was going. I will add the record I have in my next post. If someone else can read what his destination may have been please let me know. Further, I looked at the 1910 census for North Dakota and have located a Frank Brody age 18 living at home with his family. The head of the family is a Herman Brody with an Esther Brody as his wife. It shows both Herman and Esther as being Russian immigrants as well. I am not sure if this is a red herring, but it is defiantely interesting. According to the census, it says they have been married for 28 years, however this may not have been truthful information or it could be a mis-translation if their first language was not english.
What I do know for sure is that Frank married Lois Ethel Bodine near Maple Creek, Saskatchewan on January 5, 1917 and that they made their way through southern Saskatchewan before settling in Kinistino sometime around the 1930s. He passed away there on December 18, 1958.
Since I have such a wide range of information on Frank, mostly hearsay, I will be doing more research on his family. I would like to know where he was born and where he came from. If anyone has any information, please let me know.
Another thing I have heard is that he ran away from home at a young age as his father had remarried and his step-mother didn't like him. The thing is, I have found a record for an F.H. Brody crossing in to Saskatchewan from North Dakota on May 12, 1912 with a whopping amount of $10 in his pocket. However, I can't decipher where he was going. I will add the record I have in my next post. If someone else can read what his destination may have been please let me know. Further, I looked at the 1910 census for North Dakota and have located a Frank Brody age 18 living at home with his family. The head of the family is a Herman Brody with an Esther Brody as his wife. It shows both Herman and Esther as being Russian immigrants as well. I am not sure if this is a red herring, but it is defiantely interesting. According to the census, it says they have been married for 28 years, however this may not have been truthful information or it could be a mis-translation if their first language was not english.
What I do know for sure is that Frank married Lois Ethel Bodine near Maple Creek, Saskatchewan on January 5, 1917 and that they made their way through southern Saskatchewan before settling in Kinistino sometime around the 1930s. He passed away there on December 18, 1958.
Since I have such a wide range of information on Frank, mostly hearsay, I will be doing more research on his family. I would like to know where he was born and where he came from. If anyone has any information, please let me know.
Francis (Bud) Leslie Brody 1920 - 1976
Francis 'Bud' Leslie Brody was my grandfather and he was born on September 12, 1920 in Regina, Saskatchewan to Frank Henry Brody and Lois Ethel Bodine. As he has siblings still living, I won't be able to go in to detail on them. He did eventually move northward and married Ione Frances Jordan at Prince Albert on February 7, 1946. They eventually settled on a farm in Kinistino, Saskatchewan and he passed away there on February 25, 1976.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
... are they all rumours?
So like any other family on the planet we tend to tell and share stories, but sometimes they turn in to the childs' game of 'Telephone'. What was the truth gets jumbled as the message gets passed from one person to the next. However, even with this I thought I'd a couple funny ones that have come down the line.
In the book, Jordans - Westward from Ireland, there is a short story from a person named Ed Jordan. He was the grandson of William (1782).
"My grandfather was a small man and a fearless rider. I was told he rode in the races when a boy and during the rebellion [1798], when he was 12 or 14, he carried messages for the Loyalists and continued as a dispatch rider till the rebellion was over.
They told me of an estate which the Jordans owned and lost and which I regarded as a pipe dream. They said that when they migrated to CAnda that the Estate was owned by a Lord Livingstone who put a distillery on the estate and insured an income to keep the estate up. I have in my possession a map of Ireland complied by a monk in the time of William of Normandy. The best map of Ireland I ever saw and showing that the Jordans had the Estate and the Title situated some ten to fifteen miles south of Castle Bar where the Jordans came from and the Estate and Title was given them for the part they took in fighting for William of Normandy during the invasion."
Once I dig more in to our Irish roots I will see if there is any truth to this or not. Either way it seems fairly interesting to me.
Another story that shows the stubborness of the Jordans is in the same book.
"A family legend tells the story of how our Jordans became protestants. They were Roman Catholics and when William Sr's mother was dying the family paid the priest for the last rites. The mother recovered and shortly after appeared to be dying again to they paid the priest a second time. this went on for some time and when she finally died, the priest requested more money or the body would have to lay 'purgatory' [the back shed], instead of the parlour. William refused to pay any more money and called in the protestant preacher who was recruiting new converts. The mother was buried beside her husband but on the other side of the line between the protestant and catholic sections of the cemetary. William's family then became protestant, and being shunned by the rest of the family, decided to come to Canada".
As silly as some of this may sound, you will have to realize that the decendents of William and Lavina number more than 1750 individuals that live all over the world. You may be one of them ; )
In the book, Jordans - Westward from Ireland, there is a short story from a person named Ed Jordan. He was the grandson of William (1782).
"My grandfather was a small man and a fearless rider. I was told he rode in the races when a boy and during the rebellion [1798], when he was 12 or 14, he carried messages for the Loyalists and continued as a dispatch rider till the rebellion was over.
They told me of an estate which the Jordans owned and lost and which I regarded as a pipe dream. They said that when they migrated to CAnda that the Estate was owned by a Lord Livingstone who put a distillery on the estate and insured an income to keep the estate up. I have in my possession a map of Ireland complied by a monk in the time of William of Normandy. The best map of Ireland I ever saw and showing that the Jordans had the Estate and the Title situated some ten to fifteen miles south of Castle Bar where the Jordans came from and the Estate and Title was given them for the part they took in fighting for William of Normandy during the invasion."
Once I dig more in to our Irish roots I will see if there is any truth to this or not. Either way it seems fairly interesting to me.
Another story that shows the stubborness of the Jordans is in the same book.
"A family legend tells the story of how our Jordans became protestants. They were Roman Catholics and when William Sr's mother was dying the family paid the priest for the last rites. The mother recovered and shortly after appeared to be dying again to they paid the priest a second time. this went on for some time and when she finally died, the priest requested more money or the body would have to lay 'purgatory' [the back shed], instead of the parlour. William refused to pay any more money and called in the protestant preacher who was recruiting new converts. The mother was buried beside her husband but on the other side of the line between the protestant and catholic sections of the cemetary. William's family then became protestant, and being shunned by the rest of the family, decided to come to Canada".
As silly as some of this may sound, you will have to realize that the decendents of William and Lavina number more than 1750 individuals that live all over the world. You may be one of them ; )
Lavinia Acton 1788 - 1883
As with her husband, William Jordan, I don't have much information on Lavinia other then they were married in 1803 and immigrated sometime in the early 1840s to Canada. She passed away at the age of 95 on December 31, 1883. Both her and William are buried in St. Mary's Anglican Cemetary on the bacnk of the Ottawa River.
William Jordan 1782 - 1870
Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, cabin fever and decent weather got the better of me.
William, my fourth great - grandfather, was also born at or near Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland about 1872. I will have to do more research in to who his parents were as I don't have that information yet. Thankfully there are a number of websites for tracing Irish ancestors. I am thinking that they must have been decently well off as when he and his wife, Lavinia Acton who he married in 1803, immigrated to Canada with some of their children they apparently paid their own passage so would have had a better cabin on the boat and they also were able to bring livestock with them. They most likely immigrated some time in the early 1840s. The Canadian census of 1861 shows them settled in Torbolton Township, Carleton county, Upper Canada. William died September 21, 1870 at the age of 88.
William, my fourth great - grandfather, was also born at or near Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland about 1872. I will have to do more research in to who his parents were as I don't have that information yet. Thankfully there are a number of websites for tracing Irish ancestors. I am thinking that they must have been decently well off as when he and his wife, Lavinia Acton who he married in 1803, immigrated to Canada with some of their children they apparently paid their own passage so would have had a better cabin on the boat and they also were able to bring livestock with them. They most likely immigrated some time in the early 1840s. The Canadian census of 1861 shows them settled in Torbolton Township, Carleton county, Upper Canada. William died September 21, 1870 at the age of 88.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Bridget Casey (1827 - 1903)
My third great - grandmother, Bridget was 23 years younger than her husband Thomas Jordan. She was born on June 5, 1827 in County Tipperary, Ireland. As for her family all I know at the moment is that her father's name was John Casey. I know she came to Canada about 1842 with her parents and her father's mother who was 98 at the time. The captain of the ship always referred to the mother as 'old ninety eight'.
As there was such an age difference between Bridget and Tommy, she was widowed by 1896 and according to the 1901 census of Canada she was living with her grand daughter Charlotte and her family in Carleton, Ontario. She passed from heart failure on April 14, 1903 and was buried along side Tommy at St. Mary's Anglican cemetary. She had never converted from Catholicism.
As there was such an age difference between Bridget and Tommy, she was widowed by 1896 and according to the 1901 census of Canada she was living with her grand daughter Charlotte and her family in Carleton, Ontario. She passed from heart failure on April 14, 1903 and was buried along side Tommy at St. Mary's Anglican cemetary. She had never converted from Catholicism.
Thomas 'Tommy' Jordan 1804 - 1896
Thomas 'Tommy' Jordan was born sometime in 1804 in Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland to William Jordan and Lavinia Acton. He was the oldest of seven children that included John (1811), William (1818), Jane (?), Ann (1822), James (1831) and Eliza (?). Somewhere before 1848 Thomas immigrated to the Ottawa valley and married Bridget Casey at Ottawa on July 25, 1848. It must have been an interesting occasion as Brdiget was a Roman Catholic and Tommy was an Anglican.
By 1870 they had moved to the area of Torbolton, Ontario and had settled on to a farm which seems a bit odd as Tommy had started out as a linen weaver in Ireland. The summer of 1870 had been incredibly hot and by August they had gone two months without rain. A fire that started on the outskirts of the city of Ottawa spread quickly to their property and they lost everything, including the timbers and goods for the new house that was to be built. They did eventually rebuild and with the children having moved out, Tommy's mother Lavina moved in with them to live out the rest of her days. Apparently this caused some grief for his sister Ann as she took it quite personally that her mother didn't move in with her. As a result, she wouldn't talk to her brother or family for quite awhile.
Thomas died April 18, 1896 at the age of 92 was buried two days later at St. Mary's Anglican cemetary on the bank of the Ottawa River.
By 1870 they had moved to the area of Torbolton, Ontario and had settled on to a farm which seems a bit odd as Tommy had started out as a linen weaver in Ireland. The summer of 1870 had been incredibly hot and by August they had gone two months without rain. A fire that started on the outskirts of the city of Ottawa spread quickly to their property and they lost everything, including the timbers and goods for the new house that was to be built. They did eventually rebuild and with the children having moved out, Tommy's mother Lavina moved in with them to live out the rest of her days. Apparently this caused some grief for his sister Ann as she took it quite personally that her mother didn't move in with her. As a result, she wouldn't talk to her brother or family for quite awhile.
Thomas died April 18, 1896 at the age of 92 was buried two days later at St. Mary's Anglican cemetary on the bank of the Ottawa River.
Friday, 22 March 2013
Thomas James 'Jerry' Jordan 1860 - 1937
This Thomas was the father of Thomas Milton Jordan, my great grandfather, so this makes him my second great - grandfather. He was born on December 22, 1860 in what was Torbolton Township, Ontario to Thomas 'Tommy' Jordan and Bridget Casey. He was the youngest boy in a family of 10 children. Jane (1848), William (1850), John (1853), Elizabeth (1855), Robert (1856), Matthew (1857), Edward (1860), Maryann (1862) and Charlotte (1865) were all born in Torbolton Township. If you notice that Edward was also born in 1860, then you might wonder if they were twins. Further research shows that Edward was born April 6, 1860 and Thomas followed just over 8 months later. Wow!
On May 15, 1888 he married Joan Elizabeth (Lizzie) Campbell at the hous eof Mr George McBain located at Clearwater Pilot Mound Parish, Manitoba. He had moved to Manitoba in 1882 to homestead. By 1909 they left the farm and moved to Saskatoon where he went into real estate with his brother Matthew. On March 23, 1916 he enlisted in the 242nd Forestry Battallion at Saskatoon and served overseas as a private in England, Scotland and in France as far as the Spanish border, building log cabins. He also built huts for the troops and cribbed trenches. He had learned all his wood working skills having worked in the Ottawa River valley cutting wood with his father and brothers for the steamers. He returned to his family in 1919, unharmed. I am pretty sure I would not have wanted to enlist in the military at the age of 56. Mind you, when you lie on your attestation papers, you can be any age you want to be. He died at Kinistino on August 3, 1937.
The Jordan Clan
The Jordans came directly from Ireland and I will be doing more research on them as time goes on. I am waiting for an online contact to help me as they have some information that I haven't been able to find. For now though, I will share what I have.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
The map
For those who have lost track of how the heck I got to this post here is the map...
John Smith(1539 - 1642)
John Smith(1539 - 1642)
is your 10th great grandfather
Your 10th great grandfather
son of John Smith
son of John SMITH
son of Humphry Smith
son of Daniel Smith
son of Humphrey Smith
daughter of Elihu Elisha Smith
daughter of Elizabeth Victoria Smith
daughter of Ruby Ellen Grant
daughter of Ina P Cole
Living family member
daughter of Ione Frances Brody
You are the daughter of Living Ramos
I will be starting on the Jordans now
I will be starting on the Jordans now
John Smith (the first) 1539 - 1642
I don't have much information on my 10th great - grandfather, John Smith, other than he was born in 1539 in Suffolk, England and passed in 1642 at the age of 103 in the same location. I will be looking more in to him as it seems interesting that he lived as long as he did at that time.
John Smith 1618 - 1692
"John Smith, called the second, arrived in Plymouth by 1628, possibly before. John appears in the Plymouth Court record on "Jan. 2nd, 1633: That Whereas John Smith being in great extremity formerly and to be freed of the same, bound himself as an apprentice to Edward Dowty for the term of ten years; upon the petition of the said John the court took the matter into hearing, and finding the said Edward had disbursed but little for him freed the said John from his covenant of ten years and bound him to make up the term he had already served the said Edward the full term of five years, and to the end thereof; the said Edward to give him double apparel, and so be free of each other." He was about fifteen years old at this time.
In about 1664 or '65 he moved to the new town of Dartmouth where he was the town's firs military commander, appointed in 1673-4 by Governor Winslow as Lieutenant of the Military Company of Dartmouth.
John married twice, first 4 Jan 1648-9, at Marshfield, Plymouth, Mass., to Deborah Howland, daughter of Arthur Howland and his wife, Margaret (Reed) Walker Howland, and niece of Mayflower passenger John Howland. Together they had five children;
1 Hassadiah Smith, daughter, born 11 Jan 1650, Died 15 Dec 1723
2 John Smith, born, 1 oct 1651
3 Joseph Smith, born, 16 apr 1652
4 Eleazer Smith, born 20 apr 1654, died about 1733
5 Hezekiah Smith, born 28 nov 1655, died 28 Feb 1726
John married second, Ruhama Kirby about 1670 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass;
they had eight children, all born Dartmouth
1 Judah Smith
2 Mahitabell Smith
3 Sarah Smith
5 Deborah Smith
6 Eliasib Smith
7 Deliverance Smith
8 Gershom Smith
"John Smith died in the seventy-fourth year of his age on Jan 15, 1962, and was buried in the Hill Meadow burial place on his Homestead."
Smith Family Cemetary
Deliverance Smith 1667 - 1729
I bet you're wondering why I would have a notice in regards to the Society of Friends on this post. It looks as though my 8th great - grandfather was a member of this group, also known as Quakers.
From 'The homesteads at Apponegansett before 1710' attached reference page 12.
Captain John Akin had a martial spirit for Deliverance Smith, woefully related to the Meeting of Friends - how he with others were ordered by John Akin to exercise in 'war-like posture' with the intention of being pressed into his majesty's service in Canada.
This son of John Smith was not so easily dealt with contrary to his principles. For making a weary journey, he stated his woes and views to the Governor who graciously excused this determined Friend, who returned to his home in Darthmouth delivered from anymore "trayning" in the abominated 'war-like posture'.
If in military matters, John Akin opposed John Smith's son, he was well in accord with him in their township's struggles to maintain the dearly bought liberty of conscience.
Deliverance Smith for refusing to collect taxes to pay a 'hireling minister' was shut up in the Bristol gaol which by freak of fate had been built in part with money collected by his father, John Smith.
Deliverance was born to John Smith and Ruhama Kirby about 1667 in in Darthmouth, Bristol county, Massachusetts. Due to his father having two marriages, he had a number of siblings. His half siblings were Hassadiah (1650), John (1651), Joseph (1652), Eleazer (1654), and Hezekiah (1655). His full siblings included (I have no birth dates yet) Judah, Mahitabell, Sarah, Deborah, Eliasib, and Gershom.
He married Mary Tripp sometime between 1690 and 1694. He passed away August 30, 1729 in his birth town.
From 'The homesteads at Apponegansett before 1710' attached reference page 12.
Captain John Akin had a martial spirit for Deliverance Smith, woefully related to the Meeting of Friends - how he with others were ordered by John Akin to exercise in 'war-like posture' with the intention of being pressed into his majesty's service in Canada.
This son of John Smith was not so easily dealt with contrary to his principles. For making a weary journey, he stated his woes and views to the Governor who graciously excused this determined Friend, who returned to his home in Darthmouth delivered from anymore "trayning" in the abominated 'war-like posture'.
If in military matters, John Akin opposed John Smith's son, he was well in accord with him in their township's struggles to maintain the dearly bought liberty of conscience.
Deliverance Smith for refusing to collect taxes to pay a 'hireling minister' was shut up in the Bristol gaol which by freak of fate had been built in part with money collected by his father, John Smith.
Deliverance was born to John Smith and Ruhama Kirby about 1667 in in Darthmouth, Bristol county, Massachusetts. Due to his father having two marriages, he had a number of siblings. His half siblings were Hassadiah (1650), John (1651), Joseph (1652), Eleazer (1654), and Hezekiah (1655). His full siblings included (I have no birth dates yet) Judah, Mahitabell, Sarah, Deborah, Eliasib, and Gershom.
He married Mary Tripp sometime between 1690 and 1694. He passed away August 30, 1729 in his birth town.
Humphry Smith 1705-1777
Now, the further I get back with the Cole family tree, it seems there is some very interesting information. Some of the information that I have with Humphry Smith came from a source called Mayflower Births and Deaths Vol. 1 and 2. That's right, that Mayflower. Now from what I can gather these two volumes of books trace the decendents of the original families that came to America on the Mayflower. It looks like this line of family would actually come from Humphry's wife Mary Wilcox. I have attached the page I found to this post.
Humphry would have been my seventh great - grandfather who was born in Darthmouth, Bristol county, Massachusetts to Deliverence Smith and Mary Tripp on April 13, 1705. He was the youngest of 8 children. His siblings were John (1693), Deborah (1695), Ann (1696), Alice (1698), Peleg (1700), George (1701) and Hope (1703). He married Mary Wilcox on April 1, 1731 in his home town and passed away on November 4, 1777 at the age of 72.
Humphry would have been my seventh great - grandfather who was born in Darthmouth, Bristol county, Massachusetts to Deliverence Smith and Mary Tripp on April 13, 1705. He was the youngest of 8 children. His siblings were John (1693), Deborah (1695), Ann (1696), Alice (1698), Peleg (1700), George (1701) and Hope (1703). He married Mary Wilcox on April 1, 1731 in his home town and passed away on November 4, 1777 at the age of 72.
Daniel Smith 1745 - 1816
My sixth great - grandfather was Daniel Smith and he was born on September 26, 1745 in Dartmouth, Bristol county, Massachusetts. His parents were Humphry Smith and Mary Wilcox who had two other children, Henry (1738) and Abigail (1743). It doesn't look like Daniel ever left his home town and he married Rebecca Cornell there on June 11, 1763. He passed away in 1816 at the age of 71.
Humphrey Smith 1767 - 1816
My fifth great-grandfather, Humphrey Smith, was born in Darthmouth, Bristol county, Massachusetts on January 11, 1767 to Daniel Smith and Rebecca Cornell. He was the second of eight children and his siblings included Jeremiah (1766), Elizabeth (1768), James Allen (1770), Jean (1770), Abigail (1773), Stephen (1773) and an unknown male (1775).
By 1787 he was living in Wolford, Leeds county, Upper Canada and married to Lurana (Lorena) Vaughn. He passed away at the age of 49 in 1816.
By 1787 he was living in Wolford, Leeds county, Upper Canada and married to Lurana (Lorena) Vaughn. He passed away at the age of 49 in 1816.
Elihu Elisha Smith 1812 -?
Elihu Elisha Smith is my fourth great - grandfather and I think he was born in 1812 in Wolford, Leeds county, Upper Canada. He was the last of 9 children born to Humphrey Smith and Lurana (Lorena) Vaughn. There is quite an age difference between himself and the others. His siblings were George (1789), William Bradigan (1793), Daniel (1793), Diana (1795), Henry (1796), Rebecca (1797), James Starbuck (1800) and Rhoda (1804). I really have no information on Elihu. I know he married Ruby Andrews, but I don't know where or when. I also have no idea when he passed away.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Elizabeth Victoria Grant (nee Smith) 1846 - 1916
Elizabeth Victoria Smith was born in Montague Township, Upper Canada on July 13, 1846 to Elihu Elisha Smith and Ruby Andrews. Elizabeth was the fourth of 8 children. Her siblings were Daniel (1841), Ezra (1842), Mary (1844), Hannah (1847), Rosanna (1848), Eleanor (1850), and Emma (1851). She married John Grant at Wolford on January 27, 1863. According to the 1891 census of Ontario, they were living in Renfrew County. However, by 1901 I have her listed as a widow in the Canadian census and living in Rossland, BC. In the 1911 census of Canada her residence is listed as New Westminster, BC. She passed away November 12, 1816 in South Vancouver, BC.
John Grant 1837 - 1892
John Grant was my third great - grandfather and the father of Ruby Ellen Grant. He was born sometime in 1837 in what is now Ontario, but was Upper Canada at the time. He married Elizabeth Victoria Smith on January 27, 1863 in Wolford which was located in Lower Canada. By 1881 they had moved to Ross, Renfrew county, Ontario and according to the 1891 census they were still there. He passed away August 10, 1892 in Ross, Renfrew county, Ontario at the age of 55.
Ruby Ellen Cole (Nee Grant) 1870-?
Ruby Ellen Grant was my second great-grandmother who was married to Francis Cole. She was born July 24, 1870 in Renfrew, Ontario to John Grant and Elizabeth Victoria Smith. She was second oldest of six children that included Charles Ezra (1866), Ira James (1871?), Emma Ann (1872), Mary Ad (1877), and Ada Pearl (1881). She married Francis on October 2, 1895 and they went on to have their family in Renfrew, Ontario. However, I have her listed as single in the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan census of 1916 and I have no information after that.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Cole Pictures
The above is a short article about the Century Farms in Ontario. The Cole family farm is mentioned. If you would like to view this on a larger scale, just click on the picture.
This is the grave marker for the three young ones that I mentioned in an earlier post. They are buried in the Ottawa Valley
This is Jane [Katie] Cole, sister of Thomas Cole. Sorry, this is the only picture I have
Mary was also the sister of Thomas Cole and is also buried in Ontario
Both Thomas and Catherine are buried in Renfrew, Ontario
This is about all the information that I have on the direct Cole line. I will be going through the family lines of the women that married in to the Cole family in my next posts.
James Ezekial Cole 1787 - 1871
By now you may have picked up on how I have been listing everyone so by this point you would figure that James was my 4th great - grandfather. He was born April ?, 1787 in Hampshire, England. Unfortunately, I have no information on who his parents were or how many or if he had any siblings. I will be doing more research on James and update as I go along.
I do know that James married Marie Archange LaRoche April 2, 1826 in Richmond, Carleton county, Ontario. According to the census that I found, they were living in Horton, Renfrew county, Ontario by 1852. By 1861 he was a widow and living in Renfrew, Ontario and passed away in 1871 at the age of 84.
I do know that James married Marie Archange LaRoche April 2, 1826 in Richmond, Carleton county, Ontario. According to the census that I found, they were living in Horton, Renfrew county, Ontario by 1852. By 1861 he was a widow and living in Renfrew, Ontario and passed away in 1871 at the age of 84.
You may have noticed the pictures I have been putting with the posts I have done. I figured it wouldn't hurt to see what the country looked like where members of our family were born. I will eventually put up pictures of people as I come across them so we can start putting faces to names. I have also managed to get some pictures of grave markers and census records which I will also share. I seem to have more information sometimes than I know what to do with so I will filter accordingly.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Thomas Cole 1828 - 1897
Thomas Cole was the father of Francis Cole so that makes him my 3rd great - grandfather. He was born December 19, 1828 in Goulbourn, Carleton county, Ontario to James Ezekial Cole and Marie Archange LaRoche. Thomas was the second oldest of 8 children who seem to have all been born in this area of the Ottawa Valley. His siblings were Jane [Katie] (1826), John (1831), Francis (1834), Margaret (1835), James (1837), Elizabeth (1841), Emily (1844) and George (1846). I don't have the specific date, but I do know that Thomas married Catherine Charlotte Gibbons in 1855 at Ottawa, Ontario. I am going to do some further searching to see if I can find a copy of their marriage certificate. After their marriage, they moved to Horton, Renfrew county, Ontario and raised their family. Thomas passed away in Renfrew, Ontario on December 3, 1897 at the age of 68.
Francis Cole 1872 - ?
Francis Cole was my 2nd great - grandfather and was born sometime in 1872 to Thomas Cole and Catherine Charlotte Gibbons. I haven't been able to find his birthdate, however I do know that he was born in Horton, Renfrew County, Ontario and was the 3rd youngest of 10. His siblings were Mary Lillian (1856), Jessie June (1857), James (1858), Alexander Gibbons (1861), Margaret (1863), Sarah (1866), John Charles (1867), Catherine Conn (1873) and William (1878).
During the research of Francis' family I noticed that James passed away at the age of 3, Catherine passed away at the age of 4 and William passed away at the age of 3 months. I am unsure what may have happened as they all passed in different years. James died in 1861, Catherine in 1877 and William at the beginning of 1879.
In 1881 and 1891 the family was still living in Horton, but by 1895 they had moved to Renfrew, Ontario. It was here that he married Ruby Ellen Grant on October 2, 1895. They went on to have their family in Renfrew. By 1906 I have his census information as residing near Brandon, Manitoba and I have no information as to when he passed away. If anyone has this information, leave me a note and I will edit.
Upon further research I figure that Francis passed away sometime between 1906 - 1916
During the research of Francis' family I noticed that James passed away at the age of 3, Catherine passed away at the age of 4 and William passed away at the age of 3 months. I am unsure what may have happened as they all passed in different years. James died in 1861, Catherine in 1877 and William at the beginning of 1879.
In 1881 and 1891 the family was still living in Horton, but by 1895 they had moved to Renfrew, Ontario. It was here that he married Ruby Ellen Grant on October 2, 1895. They went on to have their family in Renfrew. By 1906 I have his census information as residing near Brandon, Manitoba and I have no information as to when he passed away. If anyone has this information, leave me a note and I will edit.
Upon further research I figure that Francis passed away sometime between 1906 - 1916
The Coles
I have decided that maybe one of the easier ways to pass on the information that I have would be to divide the family here. For the next little bit I will be following the Cole family. Stayed tuned.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Thomas Milton Jordan 1900 - 1978
Thomas Milton Jordan, or Milton as he preferred, was my Great - Grandfather. He was born in Cartwright, Manitoba on May 25, 1900 to Thomas James Jordan and Joan Elizabeth Campbell. He was the third youngest of 10 children with his siblings being Florence [Lottie] Charlotte (1889), Hannah [May] May (1890), Christina [Tina] Pearl (1893), Sarah Elizabeth (1893), Caroline (1897), Jane and Susanna [the twins] (1903) and John [Russell] Rusell (1904). By 1901, the family had moved slightly north to Lisgar district, Manitoba and by 1906 they were in Souris, Manitoba. By 1921, he had moved to Perdue, Saskatchewan and was married to Ina Pearl Cole November 16, 1921. He passed away on May 11, 1978 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
Ina Pearl Jordan (nee Cole) 1901 - 1971
Ina Pearl Cole was my Great - Grandmother and she was born on December 28, 1901 in Renfrew, Ontario. She was the youngest of four girls born to Francis Cole and Ruby Ellen Grant, the others being Edna (1896), Irene(1898) and Ruby (1900). By 1906, the family had re-located to a farm located near Brandon, Manitoba
By 1921 she had moved to Saskatchewan and was married to Thomas Milton Jordan on November 16, 1921 at Perdue. Her and Milton went on to have their family at Perdue. Ina passed away on May 20, 1971, however I can't seem to find a specific location.
By 1921 she had moved to Saskatchewan and was married to Thomas Milton Jordan on November 16, 1921 at Perdue. Her and Milton went on to have their family at Perdue. Ina passed away on May 20, 1971, however I can't seem to find a specific location.
Ione Francis Brody (nee Jordan) 1927-2000

In the beginning
I decided to start this blog page so that any interested members of the Brody and Jordan families could see some of the research that I have done. I am hoping that as this progresses, I will be able to trace where the families are from and how we got to where we are. As I know there are some of us that would rather remain anonymous, I will be starting with my grandparents who are deceased and go from there. If there are siblings of theirs that are living, I will not be including them out of appreciation of their privacy. If you are able to provide stories, pictures, or further information that you feel I may be missing, please let me know.
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